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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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Sacked by Depression

Sacked by Depression

There's no crying in football, right? That's what Eric Hipple thought, and when the Detroit Lions quarterback was hit head-on with the tragic suicide of his 15-year-old son, Jeff, he wasn't sure what to do about the onset of a very real depression. Luckily, Hipple was able to seek treatment and has written a book about his experience called Real Men Do Cry: A Quarterback's Inspiring Story of Tackling Depression and Surviving Suicide Loss.

Hipple says he is doing better, but he still questions himself about his son.

"How could he have been in so much pain, yet I couldn't see it? I now know that beyond the external pressures causing Jeff's changes, he was desperately trying to cope, as I had, with undiagnosed depression," he tells the Vancouver Sun. "That also helped me to come to the decision to do this, to get the word out, because there seems to be a great need. There are people in despair that don't know about the resources available.''

We think its great that a real tough guy like Hipple has come out to talk about his depression. It couldn't have been easy but it will surely help countless folks who believe that depression is only reserved for the weak willed. This guy had to battle against 300-pound offensive linemen and you can't get much tougher than that.

Posted: 10/7/08

Wow, I can't even imagine. But I agree, I'm glad he has been able to open up and hopefully help out others in the process, before it's too late.

  • By aliciak
  • on 10/9/08 1:49 PM EST

I'm really impressed by this guy's ability to open up. If only more men shared their feelings this way, maybe we would all understand each other a bit better.

  • By LMAYO9
  • on 10/8/08 10:35 AM EST

What a great story. I have to say that one of the hardest times in my life was as a teen. 13-15 were especially difficult years. You're coming to terms with so many changes in your life. In your head you think you're old enough to handle anything, but the reality is much different. You're like an adult, but you're trapped in a kid's body.

I hope his book and message will help bring greater awareness about this difficult time and the warning signs of adolescent depression. We can't afford to lose any more of our children.