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Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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Shh, Don't Use the "D" Word

Shh, Don't Use the "D" Word

In singer/musician Juliana Hatfield’s new memoir When I Grow Up, due out this September, one of her experiences she reveals is her battle with severe depression in the mid-1990s. During that time, she canceled a European tour because her depression was so overwhelming, yet her publicist issued a statement that she was suffering from “nervous exhaustion.”

“Why couldn’t they have called it what it was? … ‘Severe depression’ sounds so much more badass than ‘nervous exhaustion,’” she says in her book.

Indeed. Why did the publicist feel the need to dress up Hatfield’s depression? Was it because depression wasn’t as accepted in the mid-90s as it is now? Several stars today, such as Kirsten Dunst and Heather Locklear, have publicly announced their decision to seek depression treatment. Or has depression become so acceptable that stars use it as a cover for seeking other less-acceptable treatments, such as for drugs, alcohol or eating disorders? [New York Post]

Posted: 7/22/08

It is a sad and true fact that humans treat each other like worthless dish rags just because of what you may look or sound like. We all are at fault. Now, come forward and say that there is something wrong health wise and one has just become an attraction at the county fair. Go further and say the health issue is mental and one has just become the main three headed attraction at THE county fair.

Just take a look at the case of Esmin Green; a lady who literally fell out of a chair onto the cold hospital floor to be left to die and prodded at with a foot. And yet still have her death tape bandies about the internet as if it were new, unexpected and shocking news.

Woman who died on hospital floor called 'beautiful person'
CNN ^ | July 3, 2008 | Mary Snow and Ashley Fantz
Posted on Friday, July 04, 2008 9:09:08 AM by Zakeet

Pasted from

But personally; my chin pokes out and I genuinely feel like I'm wearing some blood grieved badge of honor when I let people know that it just may behoove them to 'gimme 50 feet".

Oh and as for the idiotic comment ..."Or has depression become so acceptable that stars use it as a cover for seeking other less-acceptable treatments, such as for drugs, alcohol or eating disorders?"

Do not those other so called "less-acceptable treatments" accompany many levels of depression themselves. So what difference does it make. Besides that, it appears that in today's society having a chemical dependency or eating disorder would just be more fodder for a stars press agent. Hmmm…It is this unawareness that prolongs the slow drudge forward on health standards in the mental health communities. Still I wonder at the epidemy of our human ignorance.