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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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The New Special K Challenge

The New Special K Challenge

Proving to the world that they’re willing to try anything to help patients who suffer depression, researchers have announced that a hallucinogenic nightclub drug might be instrumental in providing relief from symptoms.

The drug, known as Special K on the street, is typically used as a horse tranquilizer or by clubbers who wish to talk to unicorns or touch planets. Researchers are thrilled at the news of the drug’s effectiveness because it opens up a whole new area of treatment options for patients.

Is there something we’re missing here? It’s great that they’ve figured out hallucinogenic drugs can help depressed patients, but is it wise to prescribe even some sort of variation of this drug? Sure, depression patients may feel better, but is it going to help them if they could potentially see things crawling on walls?

What do you think—is it a good idea to use hallucinogens to treat depression, or is it too risky? [Reuters]

Posted: 5/2/08

As a person who suffers depression (for the past 35 years), I want to feel normal, not hallucinate. I don't believe hallucinating is a good trade-off to be rid of depression.


I am a 49 y/o man who has in the past tried LSD. I am sure "special K" has the same effects. But, after drinking for 25 ys., smoking pot, and anything else, for the life of me, battling depression, I can't see how having a "trip" is going to solve anything. y

  • By etienne
  • on 5/10/08 12:32 PM EST

Pills, any kind of pills just seem like band aids to the problem I want to feel good without anything being added to my body.


You Have to reach inside - way way down deep sometimes - to find the will to keep on keepin on - no magic pill - horse or otherwise is gonna do it for you. Life hurts it's full of bumps and bruises but if YOU make up YOUR mind you Can get thru.


what is natural about being put in a twilight sleep and having someone control your mind? Walking in the park should help with depression along with reaching out to help others.

  • By Lorrie
  • on 5/5/08 12:20 PM EST

I don't want to use some kind of a pill to feel better. If it can't be done naturally-say through meditation or hypnotherapy, then it's not worth it at all.


I have suffered from depression my whole life. I have been on different types of medicine, that don't seem to work. If there ways a way that they could make it safer, I would take it. Most of the anti depressants start to build up a tolerance in a person, and then they switch you to something else. And the side effects of these medicines may not cause the hallucingen, but trying to come off these medicines is very painful, and draing.