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Question:What do you do when you do all of the things asked of you to help with my deppression?

In 1993 I lost my husband through suicide.He shot himself and I don't want to write where but I think you know.I lost 3 children that were my step children.I had them for 8 yrs,the youngest was 4 months old.I turned to drinking and by the grace of GOD I stopped.I started seeing a therapist,one who is a spiritual councelor.I pray attend church,journal and help others any way I can.I lost my Dad Feb.3rd 2008,my aunt march 2008,my unckle is now in the hospital trying to recover from colon cancer and has had to have another operation because he was alergic to stitches.They stapled this time and he had to go back to have fluid drained.My other Aunt has lymphnoid cancer,my other aunt is going through radiation for breast cancer.I was in a bad car accident and had 7 disks replaced with metal.I can walk but I have no upper body strength,it has been 2 yrs.As I write this to you it seems to me like I am feeling sorry for my self and this keeps me from talking about it.I know JESUS died a horrable death for my sins.I wonder how so much can happen and I feel sad for the loved one's of my family.I have not done this before it is hard for me to put my thoughts in to words.I also have bi-polar and I am taking my medication faithfuly.I feel like I am living on the inside and watching every one living their lives.
Thank you for listening

Asked by dobrmn57 on 7/2/08 3 Answers»


I agree, you are taking the right steps. It's good that you are reaching out. Have you found any support groups or any sort of a group therapy you could try? They make a massive difference and you don't HAVE to participate. It is nice to connect with others that you can lean on for support.
Try this: Look at the situations you have been in and try to see the good parts. Like the time you did get to spend with your step-children. Think of how you may have changed their lives and how they have changed yours. I read somewhere once that people and friends come into your life because either because you need to learn something from them or you need to teach them something, or sometimes both. When you have done what you need to do they leave you in one way or another. It's not necissarily a negative thing. It just means that what needed to be done was done, and as hard as it is to believe sometimes, god does everything for a reason and in his own time. We don't always understand right away, but in time it will all make sense.
Good luck hun, and I will keep you in my prayers.

Answered by: kosherpickles on 8/3/08



It sounds like you are experiencing emotional overload. It must be incredibly hard foryou and your family right now. I am so sorry.

I can relate to what you are going through. Without going into the details, this past year was a real test for me and my family, in many of the same ways as you have experienced.

I sought therapy, wrote down my thoughts, saw a psychiatrist and went through 8 weeks of group therapy. It's taken me a long time to get where I am today. Still very fragile, still on an emotional roller coaster ride but there are a few things that helped me tremendously I want to share with you.

First, keep Jesus in view at all times, like it sounds like you have been doing, The Lord said He would not give us more than we could handle. That was His promise, and it is truth.

Second, Get these 3 books:
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
Find Your Own North Star by Martha Beck
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

They all 3 deal with real life, your purpose in life, how to live with depression, death, illness etc. They are truly amazing books by amazing writers that lift you out of your "depression" and inspire you. Read them or get the audio books and listen to them. They will change your life...I promise.

When you are done, or anytime while reading them, if you want to talk about anything you are reading, please send me a message. I am passionate about their messages and would love to talk to you about them.

Best of luck,

Spiritual Girl in Oklahoma

Answered by: spritual on 7/11/08


Hi, dobrmn57

I think you're doing it ... reaching out, talking to people, working through your thoughts, expressing your feelings. These are all very important steps in coming to terms with and working though the changes live throws our way.

You need to stay strong for yourself and strong for all your family members who are experiencing these trials and tribulations.

Ariane talks about SEED sometimes. It stands for:
Sleep -- get the proper amount of rest
Eat -- remember to eat properly to keep your energy
Exercise -- it's important to get some amount of daily activity
Drink -- you need to keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water to help your body flush any toxins.

Find a priest, rabbi, pastor or social worker -- someone who is trained to listen who can offer you encouragement.

Consider writing in a journal-- what you're thinking--how you're feeling.

Pray -- stay focused on the positive outcomes you would like for your life and for your loved ones ... see them happy and healthy and send them healing energy from your heart.

Answered by: VictoriaB on 7/7/08
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