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Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

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Question:What helps you get happier when you're feeling blue?

Asked by VictoriaB on 2/5/08 2 Answers»


Fist, I spend time with my dog. He understands whatever I am feeling but loves me anyway. There's no way to be sad when you get a dog hug. Second, I write in my journal- exactly how I'm feeling, why, if there's a why, just put all the bad stuff on paper. It takes it out of my head and makes me feel it, face it, something I'm not likely to do. Once it's there, concrete, written down, it lifts a bit from my shoulders and mind.

Answered by: babsro on 2/5/09


Listening to music, getting out and moving my body and also - just doing something - not allowing myself to sit and stew - that can be the worst.
Also I have learned to allow th emotion that I am feeling fill me up - to not deny that I FEEL that way and then to let it go. So often I tend to push away the emotion with the thought that I shouldn't feel that way. Instead when I allow the feeling to be felt and validate that the FEELING is okay to have I can then release it so much easier.

Answered by: lizm62 on 4/24/08
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