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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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Got A Tip?


depression is painful


Sometimes I just have to "act as if" I feel better until I feel better.

If it is too debilitating I go to my food choices and try to narrow down what is wrong on that front.  In my experience, too much of a certain food group or too little of a vitamin can lead to depression.

I have also had to take antidepressants.

Please try to talk to as many people you can. 

I found out that only i could actually alleviate my depression.  Wheter by exercising (when I can---I have dif-abilities0 or food choices or meds or meditation.  I am responsible.  The great energy force 9G*d, Goddess, Alah, whatever you call it) can not help unless i want  help and ask for it.



Shared by allwerasking on 7/8/08


You are such a trooper!!

You KNOW what's needed, and even though it's sometimes very difficult, you Do what you need to do for YoU!! You dig down deep & pull up your survival kit. We all have them, only some people don't know they do.

It's true! food sensitivities, & allergies to other things -- plant pollens, dust, dander, mites, etc., are often a contributing factor to how we feel.

You accept responsibility yourself & acknowledge that person must want help and ask the Universe or Higher Power for help.

Good for you, allwerasking! I salute you and your wisdom!!!!


The placebo affect,think yourself better,you will actually feel it!

  • By acatt35
  • on 7/10/08 3:32 PM EST