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Fawn Fitter

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Dr. Andrew Jones

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Got A Tip?


Think of others first


I don't know if this helps anyone else or not, but when I find myself feeling really low, it helps me to enter into a time of prayer for other people in my life. It takes the focus off of me and helps me remember my blessings. Even if you're not a praying person but prefer just to hold them in your thoughts or write down some grateful words for others, it could help.

Shared by Eva1873 on 11/13/08

My husband and I try to write in a Journal 3 things we are grateful for each morning. It starts the day off positive.

  • By Mosseo
  • on 11/6/09 3:04 AM EST

It is amazing what can happen when you focus positive energy and thoughts for others or even yourself through prayer, meditation, or through whatever method is meaningful to you.

Victoria, after reading your comment below and what you have been through and come out in what seems to be a wonderful place with a fantastic attitude I know that the beliefs I have been developing over the last couple of years are leading me in the right direction.

  • By eherzer
  • on 11/13/08 11:00 PM EST

You can always find someone who has it worse than you and you usually don't have to look very hard. I am ashamed at times when I catch myself bemoaning a silly thing when I know how lucky I am just to be alive (if you know me, you know i've got nearly as many lives as a cat, having been run over by a car and survived a brain tumor)

I remember being in the hospital and deciding to make the shift from praying to be saved to thanking God for getting me that far. It seemed to me I started on the road to healing just in that moment of switching my focus off myself to gratitude for the doctors and nurses and everyone who was pulling for me.


That's a great tip to remember, and I feel the same way. Just the other day when I was going through some rough health stuff, it helped me to focus on someone else. We feel like we're alone in struggling sometimes, but this is rarely the case.

  • By aliciak
  • on 11/13/08 2:15 PM EST