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Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

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Dr. Andrew Jones

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How and what do other's do to stop crying all the time?

Shared by ecarter on 11/24/08

Do you know what you are crying about? If you do know maybe you could talk it over with a trained mental health person. Like a phsycologist or physcotherapist. I was crying all the time because of a devorse and my children moving in with him. I just went into cronic sadness. I just didn't know how to move on. After The kids were on their own I moved to another part of the state on the coast and got myself a good therapist and have slowly been building a new life.

  • By Mosseo
  • on 11/6/09 3:14 AM EST

You've got to get to the root of the crying. What's upsetting/depressing you and go from there. Like carlabeau, I often use exercise to help me work through tough times as it gives me something to concentrate on and it's good for me. Sometimes I do need a good cry though.

How often is "all the time"?

  • By aliciak
  • on 11/27/08 10:04 AM EST

Hi.. Without asking why you are depressed, and having watched my brother deal incorrectly with depression I would ask first, have you seen a doctor for your depression and tried what he suggested? I know when I get depressed I usually do cry and that helps temporarily, but then I get moving.. I also try to think of other situations and there are so many others that are far more sadder then the one I was sad about and that helps. My favorite is however that if I need a good cry, I put my sneakers on and go for a run. If I still feel like crying then I do, while I run and I have found it's hard to breathe, run, and cry so it makes me stop crying. I always feel better after the run. If you don't like to run or can't try a brisk walk, or rake some leaves. Do anything you can outside. Try some aromatherapy too, with a hot bath and know your not alone everyone gets sad at times. But remember life is so wonderful, look at this wonderful site, and all of the people that are here for you. Think this too shall pass and it will. Take care and enjoy your day, it is a gift truly.