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Fawn Fitter

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Got A Tip?


College Students Don't skip out on therapy.


A new study just came out that found up to half of all college students suffer from a mental health disorder, but that only a quarter of them seek treatment.
"Years ago we thought that childhood and late adolescence are happy times and people didn't tend to be depressed," the lead researcher said. "In fact, it is in late adolescence and early adulthood some of these problems have their onset."
If you're in college and feeling stressed, take advantage of your on-campus mental health facilities.

Shared by runnindownadream on 12/2/08

This is a great tip. Admitting that we need help is so tough, and for a strong-minded college student it can be even harder. It is natural for humans to think that they can work everything out on their own. But asking for a bit of help can provide a world of relief. Issues with making the right grades, relationship problems and being away from home can be eased by leaning on a mental health professional.


Adolescence is such a hard time I think we can all agree! I think I got off easy because I went to a private all girls high school that was so welcoming and such a healthy environment. I can't imagine being lost in a sea of hundreds of kids at a public school.

  • By aliciak
  • on 12/11/08 12:28 PM EST

We were talking about how difficult adolescence is today. How mean kids can be to each other, how much pressure there is and how raging hormones just add to the chaos.

Growing up is really hard!