"I am ready for change! For a new life, for joy, for spreading what I've learned to those who are hopeless as I once was. Thanks so much for this opportunity to learn and grow, to share and help. I remain in love with life." -Pamela
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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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Got A Tip?


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Okay, The truth is that 19 million Americans suffer from depression every year and in depression often comes a low self esteem. Yes, I know you have done somethings that you should not be proud of, yes I know life is hard and in many cases unfair, and yes I have been there and I am still there. However, I have to say if you look at just about anyone else they have things going on in their lives that is either worse than yours or is just as bad. Now, I am not saying, just let it go, it is not that simple and will never be, but what I am saying is to not let it ruin your relationships. No one who cares about you wants to see you put yourself down daily, or literally beat yourself up over life. So, what I am not saying is start doing it when you are alone, never do that, but what I am trying to tell you is if you are normally one to do one of these two things (beat yourself up in anyway, or put yourself down) to take about five minutes of when you would normally be doing that and name 3 good things about yourself that are true?

"There is nothing good about me," is a normal thing to say when you are depressed. Let me help you out "Do you have any kids?" that is wonderful if you do. Another tip "Do you believe in God?" yet one more great thing if you do. Here are somethings to help you with naming three things to your friend...
I'm a christian, I graduated the eight grade, I am a mom or a dad, I am a person who respects others, I try to find the good in everyoone, I am trying to get help for my problems, I am a person who has been able to answer other people's questions online, I got a "A" in a subgect in school, I am attempting to find the good in myself, I am trying to quit a bad habbit, I am creative, I have a job, or I am a person who has never attempted and fufilled suicide.

Shared by ritahawkins on 12/20/08

You make a very good point about comparing ourselves to others (and not comparing ourselves to others). When you speak to your friends about their families you realize none of us have it all together.

The best we can do is our best.