"I have found myself in the middle of many unexpected changes and this book is really helping me navigate and see things through a different perspective. Many blessings for your courage and journey to bring to life this important work." -David
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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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Depression It can kill you, do not let it


"Suicide! are u serious?" "Put the knife down and get out of the kitchen"
These comments were not to unknown to me just about a year ago. Niether was the thought of being locked in a mental hospitial if I could not get my life together and QUICK. Yeah, it was hard to win this battle, and yeah, I have been on medicines and switched what seemed like a million times. However, as the song goes somebody said a prayer, somebody had some faith, somebody finally hit their knees and asked for Heavens sake. Although that somebody was not me, I know someone had to have been praying and believing, because the only time I got the chance to I blacked out until the next morning. Did this stop me? NO, it made me angry with myself, and more determined, but I had someone named Amy who stuck beside me and did not give up. She was like an older sister, even though I do not have one. So, what finally caused me to stop, believe it or not finally I talked about it, and was counsealed at home by this older sister figure. Please, as I was told then, put the knife down and Stop the stupid s***, no matter what has happened it is not worth it. Please, if you need to talk, go to a depression hotline, or call the number, they are there for you. Call someone you know. Life is worth living and no it would not solve anyone's problems if you died.

Shared by ritahawkins on 2/4/09

What you say is very true. It's like falling into the abyss that has no bottom, and very often suicide seems like the only way out- I've been there. I've suffered from treatment resistant depression fo 8 years- that means that none of the pills with their many changes made any difference. Electroshock therapy made me stop wanting to hurt myself, bolstered by my faith that made me see it was the wrong way to go. Now I have an electronic gizmo implanted in my chest which sends electric impulses to my brian via a nerve every 5 minutes. It's a big deal, but it's helping. I am now, thank God, walking back into the light.

  • By babsro
  • on 2/5/09 2:01 PM EST