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Guys Decoded

Ladies, if you’ve ever wondered who you’re getting dressed for, wonder no more—it’s you. Guys aren’t too down with our major fashion trends, according to this video from Tango magazine.

On the “no way list” are giant sunglasses and age-inappropriate clothing. Super short skirts don’t turn men on as much as a lady-like but flirty sundress. Guys are on the fence about flats and kicks—some guys like a casual gal, but all agree a pair of heels is super-sexy (though judging by the number of couples we see in matching Chuck Taylors, sneakers aren’t keeping any relationships from beginning.)

Your best bet, whether you’re a guy or a girl, is to put some thought into your appearance and be yourself. You don’t have to totally change your look  just to please a potential date—keep it real, and do what's comfortable for you. Some people may want you to look a certain way but is that reall the person you want to get to know? How important is the way a person dresses to you in finding a relationship? [Tango]

Posted: 4/22/08