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Love: It's All in the Nose

The next time you’re headed out for a date you might want to lay off the perfume. It turns out that our natural scent is much more powerful than Chanel No. 5. A recently reviewed article in Psychology Today states that “Scientists have found that, despite some extravagant industry promises, the attraction value in perfumes resides strictly in their pleasantness, not their sexiness.”

Although we may not be conscious of it, when we meet a new potential mate there’s a lot of smelling going on. Everything from sweat glands to sexual secretions are sending signals to our olfactory glands. The article suggests that humans have adapted activities like kissing and holding hands in order to get a nice whiff of our mates.nd romance

This doesn’t mean that you need to abandon cologne and deodorant altogether. If you smell like a locker room it will be hard to get someone close enough to give you a good sniff. But go light on the fragrance and you might find romance sooner than you expected.  [Psychologytoday.com]

Posted: 5/13/08