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Older Men, Younger Women

Older Men, Younger Women

It’s not just your imagination; Hollywood movies often feature hot love affairs with sultry young women with men who are often old enough to be their grandfathers. Carrie had Mr. Big in “Sex and the City”, Frida had Diego in “Frida,” heck Fred probably even had a few decades on Wilma. According to one of Psychology Today’s bloggers, Tinseltown’s propensity for intergenerational match ups has actual psychological basis.

Evolutionary psychologist/ blogger Satoshi Kanazawa says that not only is this kind of age gap prevalent in the United States, its universal. In fact, “data collected from societies throughout the world show that men in every single culture prefer to mate with younger women, and women prefer to mate with older men,” Kanazawa says.

Do you think that older men and younger women make better couples? Or is the next generation of cougars proving everyone wrong? [Psychology Today]

Posted: 6/2/08