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Question:What are they looking for?

OK what are the men of today looking for? Men say over the age of 40.
Have they all been so burned by their past relationships that they can't imagine having another one? Or is it all about the ' younger girls' now?
I would love to meet a guy and settle down again. I don't think that is such a bad thing..do u?

Asked by PerfectPear on 6/26/08 3 Answers»


From my point of view and I'm guessing most blokes are the same regardless of age - a geniune sense of humour, good conversation and I don't mean complaining about expartners, a woman who takes pride in her appearance and health is always a bonus, then there is the usual reliable, honest, trustable - most blokes know we all have bad days and will get past them.

Answered by: lonewolf on 8/24/08


It is hard to say. Every guy is different and each have different life styles. Some may have had past relationships that have failed and some may not even had a serious relationship. Try not to focus so much on finding the right guy. Love usually happens when your not looking for it. Just be happy and love will find you.

Answered by: dmitha5 on 7/25/08


I wish I knew. It seems like I haven't changed, but the rules of dating have and suddenly I'm not in the game anymore.

For me, I think it has to do with carrying a few extra pounds as well as not making as much of an effort to dress up as I used to. Not that I ever dressed to attract a man, but I do think I made more of an effort to be "attractive." It seems like you have to at least get as far as attracting them if you want to get any further along. . . and yes, I don't think , not all, but men are looking for youth and beauty, in part, because they are so unsure of their own mortality.

Did you see "Moonstruck" with Cher? Olympia Dukakis asks a similar question throughout the movie and finally comes to the conclusion her husband is having an affair because he fears his own death.

Interesting question!

Answered by: bstarr on 6/30/08
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