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Question:Can I trust what I am feeling in the first several months of dating someone new?

I like the way things are going with a new person I just met, but am sure if I can trust what I am feeling now. Do I go with my intuition or play it safe and put a few guards up?

Asked by IAMASH on 9/17/08 4 Answers»


Yes you can... my gut has never let me down.

Answered by: Anonymous on 9/19/08


I think the best course of action is always to be yourself...Your instincts will tell you if the person you're trusting your heart to is ready to accept that responsibility.

And, like the other posts say, if there is no hurry, don't rush it. :)

Answered by: VictoriaB on 9/19/08


I think it's good to trust your instincts and be a little guarded in the beginning of a relationship. There's no need to give your whole heart away until you are ready to do so. Building trust takes reciprocal steps—both of you must slowly open yourselves up to each other.

Answered by: Kiki76 on 9/18/08


I've been in your situation before...I think you should trust your gut feelings to a point. Everything's new and exciting but if you take it slow in the beginning before committing too much it's sometimes better. You'll know if it's right as the future unfolds!

Answered by: Dairygirl09 on 9/18/08
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