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Got A Tip?


Be assertive!


If you have a "feeling"--act on it. Of course, not in a scary stalker way! But if I hadn't been the one to open my mouth and say something, I might not be where I am today. Don't think that a man has to be the first to spark up a conversation. Who knows, you might knock him off his guard and impress him!

Shared by Anonymous on 2/11/08

More importantly, it's the way you ask him out. Your tone should be warm and inviting, facial expression should be geniune ( smile without looking too forced, practice in the mirror), and posture should be relaxed ( no crossing arms). Furthermore, try to keep the question open-ended, such as "I happen to be free on Friday, if you are as well, would you like ____ ) to avoid the awkwardness and show the guy that you're considerate.

  • By Adspert
  • on 3/25/08 5:38 PM EST

Great bit of advice LADIES if you find a guy interesting and know he is single and interested ask him out - I am a male who was asked out by a chick in all honesty I nearly fell off my chair but she was one very decent person the only reason we are not together now is that she wanted to travel the world - right person wrong time.


Good point. I took a negotiating class and the main take away was that if you don't ask, you don't get. All they can do is say "no," so it doesn't hurt to ask for what you want.