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Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams

Career expert, best selling author and TV host

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Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink

Author of A Whole New Mind: Why the Right-Brainers Will Rule...

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Judi Perkins

Judi Perkins

Founder of VisionQuest, columnist and author of How to Find...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

I Get to Be the Submarine Commander!

Thinking about having your own winery or being an alpaca rancher? Wouldn't it be great to somehow get experience in your dream job?

Well now you can! There is company called VocationVacations that would like to help. Whatever your dream job, they provide you with the ability to test-drive it for a few days. With a fee of $500 to $1,300 per person, the company will provide a mentor, hands-on experience, and introductions to key people in the industry that you desire.

If you have romanticized ideas about your dream job, this may well be a sobering experience—or at least an illuminating one. Either way, you have swung the door wide open to your future where your dreams become reality.

So what's it going to be? Brew Master? Flight Instructor? Tell us what you'd attempt if you could! [KFOR.com]

Posted: 5/20/08