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Our Finding Your Dream Job Experts

Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams

Career expert, best selling author and TV host

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Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink

Author of A Whole New Mind: Why the Right-Brainers Will Rule...

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Judi Perkins

Judi Perkins

Founder of VisionQuest, columnist and author of How to Find...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Make Your Passion Your Paycheck

Make Your Passion Your Paycheck

How many times have you heard people tell you to “Do what you love?” Can it really be so easy? Here's how to follow your bliss as you find that dream job:

Figure out where your love lies. Many times, the things you love doing today are the same things you loved doing as a kid, when life was much less complicated. Why make it any harder now? Channel your fun, creative energy from the things that give you pleasure, and see if you can't find a way to monetize it.

Know your niche. Necessity certainly is the mother of invention. But for artists, designers, and writers, holes in the marketplace are the mother of creation. Find your spot and nestle into it!

Be your own advertisement. Loving and believing in what you’re making is a good place to start. If your product is wearable, wear it! If it's edible, bring it to parties, the office, etc. Don't be afraid to flaunt it a bit.

Take the leap and merge what you love with what you do. Pretty soon there won't be a difference! How have you been able to channel your passions into a career? [NicoleWilliams.com]

Posted: 11/26/08

I'm working on this. It's slow going, though. I want to be a writer and I tried the whole freelance writing thing, but it's not where I ultimately want to be. See, it's easy to say "I want to be a writer," but this is where niche comes into play. I want to write fiction. I like telling stories, preferably in cinematic form, but I can handle prose form as well. So, I'm in the process of scheduling time to be creative to these pursuits while still being responsible to my employer(s). It's a juggling act to be sure, but I'll get there.


Channelling my dream job is a work in progress: Enter back into the Hotel industry, Transient into the Fire Science Industy as a Fire Fighter( I use to do this in the military) or career change into the Apartment real estate industry. The reason these are my choosen dream jobs because they all serve one person that is: Face to Face interaction with people, helping out my community and providing satisfaction to a guest/prospect needs. My current job is just for a paycheck. Currently I have become finalist for a Front Desk Manager position at a hotel, I hope I get it.

Above all in this 21st century, I have learned to keep my options open. Continue to active job search for desire position, keep myself phyiscally fit, so when the next opportunity to apply for the Fire Fighter position again, I will be ready, continue to promote myself and update/revise my resume.