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Shake Your Way to Your Dream Job

Shake Your Way to Your Dream Job

How important is your handshake? Apparently, it's what sets the tone for a future employer's first impression of you. In a study conducted by the University of Iowa it was found that a person with a firm handshake would be more likely to get a job offer than a person with a limp handshake. This isn't exactly news, as we've known all along that a weak handshake implies a weak personality.

What is interesting is that a firm handshake was said to be more important than physical appearance and dress—in mock interviews, the job candidates who had firm handshakes were seen to be the most hirable by the interviewers and and they were seen as having more extroverted personalities and greater social skills. So, while we don't recommend that you roll out of bed and show up to an interview in clothes you plucked from the hamper, you can perfect your handshake as part of the complete package.

The key to the perfect handshake—and to getting that dream job you've been wanting—is simply to have a complete firm grip, maintain eye contact and smile!

Any other tips for acing the interview? [Economic Times]

Posted: 5/23/08