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The Job Satisfaction Quiz
Work is work, right? You go, do your job and come home. You're not supposed to, like, love it or anything.
C'mon, people! Life is waaaay too short to spend so much time doing something that doesn't get you fired up. Worse yet, if it affects your mental and physical health negatively, work can have an even more detrimental impact than massive boredom. With that in mind, here are a few questions to ask yourself regarding your current job:
Do you dread going to work?
Do you like & respect your co-workers?
Do you feel that your work matters?
Do you see a future at work?
Do you have time for the rest of your life?
For more thoughts on these questions, watch the clip of Ariane's interview and then tell us—are you happy at work? What's your idea of a dream job?
I'm lucky to have never been forced into jobs I hate. I've never had a desk job and I'm almost 27! But, I was a, not exactly an easy thing, but I've always been able to make work "work" for dead-end jobs for me.