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Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness in the Workplace

Living healthier isn't just important to you—it's also important to your employer. After all, if you're sick, who is going to be around to do the work?

According to the New York Post, managers around the country are showing their interest in your health by offering office “wellness” programs. Companies big and small are encouraging their employees to slim down and shape up!

"At first it was just something a few large workplaces were doing," says Marilyn Helms, a professor of management at Dalton State College in Georgia who has studied corporate health programs. "Now, with rising healthcare costs, the tide's kind of turning."

More than two-thirds of today’s companies offer wellness programs aimed at helping employees quit smoking, lose weight and get in shape with on-site gyms.

In addition to such programs, some companies even have their own wellness centers equipped with doctors and nurses. Wow! Who needs to go to the doctor’s office when you could just go to work! So if you’re looking for your dream job, try and look for companies that take an active interest in your health.

Tell us what you think about health programs in the workplace. Does your job have a wellness center or other form of health programs? [New York Post]

Posted: 6/16/08