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Our Finding Your Dream Job Experts

Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams

Career expert, best selling author and TV host

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Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink

Author of A Whole New Mind: Why the Right-Brainers Will Rule...

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Judi Perkins

Judi Perkins

Founder of VisionQuest, columnist and author of How to Find...

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Change Nation: Simon Sinek (10/17/08)

Simon Sinek on Finding Your Dream Job

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The eternal question for so many of us usually is, "What should I do with my life?" So many of us hope to find our dream job, the work that will really make us happy and excited, and yet it feels so hard and unattainable. How do you even start?

Simon Sinek is the CEO and founder of SinekPartners, a company on a mission to inspire people to do what inspires them—so that they can accomplish greatness. He says that finding your dream job doesn't have to be that difficult, as long as you know some pointers to make it happen.

On this episode of Change Nation, Simon explains exactly how you can find your dream job and get on the road to a happier life.

For more information on Simon Sinek, visit www.simonsinek.com.


Thank you so much for this interview with Simon! He inspired me to write a post sharing more about his insights and how I tapped into a lot of the lessons he talked about without even realizing it:


Simon is a really interesting guy to listen to ... he has a way of getting to the core of what matters most ... he's also very interesting to listen to.

  • By letitgo
  • on 10/21/08 3:48 PM EST
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