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Question:What's your idea of a dream job?

Chief beer officer? Cruise director? Superhero?

Asked by VictoriaB on 2/5/08 5 Answers»


You know I may be grasping at straws now but I was thinking more about this and I have decided that my dream job is definitely to be a Baby Breathologist MD. Does anyone know of any online degree and or accredidation programs and so forth that I may be able to "take remotely" to uyse the proper termanolasy? Is this even a field at the moment? Any info would be very much appreciated. My wife is also pretty interested in this as well and we are pretty much like talking about all day right now. You know how we get, she's like "That is perfect!" And I'm like "For YOU? Or for ME?" and she's like "For US". I love her but jeez louis GET YOUR OWN IDEAS!! The married guys know, trust that!

Answered by: I_AM_Change on 2/14/08


I do believe my dream job would involve working for babies in some regard that is. I do believe that a baby's breath is what breathes life into the univerese, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! I indeed wish there was some sort of job to help babies day in and day out, especially helping with their breathing as it relates to the health and well being of the eldery. SOMEBODY TELL ME I AIN'T DREAMING!! I currently work in manufacturing.

Answered by: I_AM_Change on 2/14/08


I want to do dream job of EVERYTHING. From this I mean to reflect on the business, but the sector of also the company and it community. If ever day I want to the company for business I would be a happy man!!

Answered by: sheep_tester on 2/13/08


My dream job is...

Monday...a CEO of a major company leading a group of executives in a boardroom

Tuesday...a kindergarten teacher

Wednesday...a brand manager launching a new brand into the local market

Thursday...a TV travel presenter

Friday...a photographer

Saturday...a marathon runner

Sunday...a great girlfriend and a personal chef

Answered by: carrotspark on 2/11/08


If I could do absolutely ANYTHING...I'd have my own scrapbooking company! I love to work with photos and put them into a book of memories for myself and others :o)

Answered by: maggie on 2/8/08
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