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Question:how do i get my partner to get a job

I was wounded in the line of duty when i was in the USMC, and now that i am a disabled veteran i cant work. 1 because my docs say no and 2 i have tried on a couple occasions and i physically cant. i have been in my relationship for 7 years, and now my partner will not get a job...and i mean will not...he has been laying around and watching tv for about a year and a half now, and i cant even get him to get up and search on the internet for one. I dont want to give him an ultimatum but my savings are gone and we are going in the hole every month just to pay the bills. any suggestions on ways to get him up and working again. I love him more than anything in the world, and i dont want to have to chock this up to a lost cause....what do i do?????i will consider any answer or suggestion

Asked by imdrmarshall on 7/22/08 1 Answer»


What did he do while you were away? Did he work then, or ever? Has something happened that's making him not want to work? Usually, when people are described as sitting around watching tv all day and not making choices/decisions, there might be an issue with depression. How's his state of mind?

He's lucky to have a loving and patient partner like you. Perhaps you could steer him in the direction of things you know he enjoys that could provide income. Or set him up with a career counselor (I know that usually costs $$, but maybe there's some kind of program in your area or at a local university that has free seminars).

Answered by: Kiki76 on 7/23/08
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