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Question:I'm getting divorced and never went to college, I want to go so I can get a good paying job and be able to make it with the kids. How do I go back to school at 39 and make it with a family?

39 years old
soon to be single mom of 4
never went to college but want to go or take classes so I can get a good job
I work now but only make $850 a month

Asked by amsparks2000 on 10/13/08 2 Answers»


Are you able to move in with friends or family, so you can try to save money while you get additional training or education?

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 10/13/08


First of all, congrats on raising 4 kids! That's a tough job in and of itself.

Going back to school is a great idea. I'm not sure how old your kids are or what your work schedule is, but there are many colleges and universities that offer evening and weekend courses for working moms like you. A good first step is to seek those out, and find out what will work with your schedule.

There are also lots of opportunities for financial aid, grants and scholarships, so take advantage of them! This is a great investment in your future (and a good example to your kids that learning is a lifelong process.)

There's also something called Project Working Mom: Link that might be able to help you. Good luck and let us know where you land!

Answered by: kristen on 10/13/08
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