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Question:Is it that we should accept whatever job comes in our way or wait for the one that we are interested in?

Asked by 1024Thz on 2/12/08 2 Answers»


As someone who waited over a year to find the right position, I can say that it was worth the wait. In the meanwhile, you will have to find some way to support yourself (temping, freelancing, retail all come to mind) but if you have a vision for your professional life don't give up on it! Schedule informational interviews, network and know that if you are earnestly seeking the right fit, it will happen!

Answered by: kristen on 2/13/08


I suppose that's really a matter of finances. Can you support your desired lifestyle without money coming in? It wasn't until I didn't have a job that I really understood the word income to mean 'money coming in.'
I know someone who took a job at a temp agency, which ended up leading her to her dream job because she got a chance to see the inner workings of a number of different companies and do different things until she hit upon a job and company that she loved that loved her right back.

Answered by: VictoriaB on 2/12/08
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