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Question:Career Change Advice Needed

My question relates to changing careers I have had a mixed employment history
- Retail Shop manager
- Bank employee
- Government Property Officer
- Law Clerk - Property Department
- Transport - Post Office
Yes I konw some people are going to say how did I end being in transport after I actually joined because the hours originally suited me because I had other commitments But stayed employed because the pay was more then what I had earned at all other jobs BUT I will get my ten years service in August 2009 and after ten years doing the same thing I am bored.
So in this employment market where finance and property jobs seem to be taking the brunt of retrenchments, what areas of the employment field look good, seem interesting and have transferable skills - I didnt want to go University but willing to do some short courses.

Asked by lonewolf on 11/16/08 1 Answer»


I don't have specific job ideas for you, but I've read about different formats for resumes and one is called a functional resume that focuses more on your skills and not a chronological listing of jobs you've had. Here is a link:

Of course it would be nice if you could find something you enjoy, so after you put that functional resume together, take a step back and look at it from a high level to see if it suggests any companies or industries to you. Then give some thought to the kinds of jobs you'd be suited for in those companies or within those industries.

best of luck to you!

Answered by: VictoriaB on 11/18/08
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