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Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams

Career expert, best selling author and TV host

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Daniel Pink

Author of A Whole New Mind: Why the Right-Brainers Will Rule...

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Judi Perkins

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Got A Tip?


What are you waiting for?


What are you waiting for?

“Circumstances? Hell, I make circumstances!”- Bruce Lee
To make your dreams come true, you don’t need the perfect circumstances. Waiting for the right time, enough experience, a good network or an ‘empty’ agenda will only paralyze you. If you want to transform your dreams into big deeds, you will have to create the right circumstances yourself. Delete ‘yes, but’ from your dictionary and just start moving forward. Do whatever you can to work on our dream, even if it is just for 15 minutes a day during your coffee break. Begin with small steps. For instance, do you want to become an interior decorator? offer your services to friends. This way you are building a port folio and it will give you a good feel of your dream life. Is money the big ‘obstacle’ for not setting up your cinema for kids ? Brainstorm with family and friends to find a solution. For instance by attracting a sponsor or by finding out how to (temporarily) get by with less money so that you can make a nice little nest egg for your dream. By applying creative thinking, a healthy dose of perseverance and some guts, you will always be able to find a solution for the ‘problems’ that keep you from fulfilling your dreams. You know what you have to do, so what are you waiting for?

source: YES!Newsletter. Link <!--EndFragment-->

Shared by JuliaStoelLegro on 5/5/08

clever quote, but if he really could "make circumstances" I'd think that he would've wanted to live beyond 33.

  • By oldgold
  • on 6/16/08 10:44 PM EST

Correcto! To quote some forgotten source of wisdom, "Success comes in direct adverse proportion to desperation." I know it takes more than we are sometimes capable of contributing, but it's time and I AM ready...


thanx for the wisdom now excuse me I have a dream to attend to