"...the beauty of the model is that they can do well by doing good." -Cory
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Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams

Career expert, best selling author and TV host

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Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink

Author of A Whole New Mind: Why the Right-Brainers Will Rule...

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Judi Perkins

Judi Perkins

Founder of VisionQuest, columnist and author of How to Find...

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Got A Tip?


What's your ideal (work)day?


Do you believe in self-fulfilling prophecies? Write down what you want in personal and professional life. Start with your ideal working day. What time do you get up? What’s for breakfast? Do you work from home or go to an office by the sea? Who is with you? Specify your wishes in work, love and living. Note: be careful what you ask for, as you will probably get it… (Source: The YES!Cards)

Shared by JuliaStoelLegro on 2/25/08

getting up before everyone else. having time to myself before my day starts with packing lunchesand getting my family of to school and work. then myself. I like helping people, so my job is working with elderly people.


Most days I would say my perfect day begins at the gym and ends with a healthy dinner... However yesterday I worked from home and took an hour in the afternoon to run a few errands. It was a beautiful day and I found myself strolling down new streets admiring homes and feeling good. Perhaps a perfect day is just having a few moments like these. Sunshine certainly helps :)

  • on 4/9/08 10:01 AM EST

I am working on my "ideal" work day right now. I am helping a good friend build a house. I also am dabbling on some ventures on-line. I am up at 7 and start my day with oatmeal, a hot cup of tea and a quick read of my local paper. Then off to build. It's nice to have the flexibiilty and little pressure in the morning.

  • By falczuk
  • on 3/1/08 11:41 AM EST