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7 Side Hustles to Help the Family

Jason over at impressed us this week with his post on "Seven Unique Side Hustles to Keep Your Family Afloat." Of course, Jason and First30Days are not advocating that you go to the local billiard room and "pretend" that you're a newbie and makes some bets. "Side hustles are a little different from traditional part-time jobs in that they generally involve you starting up something on your own," Jason writes. "They can range in complexity from selling yard sale finds on eBay to starting your own small business."
His suggestions include:
* Dog-walking
* Babysitting
* House sitting
* Lawn painting
* Blogging
* Installing holiday decorations
* Participating in surveys
Of course, you're not limited to this list. With winter encroaching, why not offer up your services to shovel snow or even rake leaves? Or bake some great cookies and sell them locally? All you have to do to make some extra cash is be creative, find a need out there that you can fill.
Have you come up with side hustles to get some extra cash?
Don't forget about donating blood or signing up for a medical trial. That's always fun!
To make extra money for Christmas, I sometimes work retail during the winter. Right about now (late October/early November) is when a lot of stores start looking for seasonal help.