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Hey Big Spenda!

It’s easy to fall into daily routines that involve spending money. If you’ve ever wondered where your money goes, especially when you’re not a big spender, take a look at some of these small expenses that cost a few bucks now, but add up to thousands wasted.
• Coffee
No one’s suggesting you give up coffee altogether; however, brewing it yourself at home would be a better option. You could save yourself about $880 a year – assuming $4 a cup of coffee and 220 working days a year.
• Cigarettes
The average pack is $4.54 so those pack-a-day smokers spend an average of $1,650 a year on cigarettes. Even the lighter smokers spend money that adds up.
• Alcohol
This varies by location, but assume roughly $5 per drink, including tip, and you get an average of $3,650 per year. We’re willing to bet that you can think of a few things to do with that money.
• Weekday Lunches Out
Assuming you eat out for lunch instead of brown bagging it, you can eat a decent lunch for somewhere in the neighborhood of $9. Every workday for a year and you’re looking at $2,340 a year. Even if you BOGO for lunch, you still spend a pretty penny.
If any of the above apply to you, you might want to start cutting back on your expenses and start living frugally.
To see more of the small things we all indulge in that add up, check out MSN Money’s website!
Tell us about your little expenses. Do an estimate of how much you spend in a week, and let us know!
I don't smoke or drink alcohol or coffee. I do drink herbal teas occassionally-at home. I do overspend though. The way I do that is spending on things I may need or want but did not plan to spend or have in my budget. I generally always write a budget but do not always follow it which messes me up in a lot of ways, especially inside , I feel guilty and out of control