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Living the Simple Life

Posted: 8/12/08
Author of Living Simply: Choosing Less in a World of More
Shared by First30Days View Profile»Editor and publisher of The Dollar Stretcher Newsletter
Shared by First30Days View Profile»"Ariane is a new voice who can inspire and inform all of us going through change, whether it be big or small, professional or personal. The First 30 Days will encourage people going through change to go from being fearful and alone to feeling optimistic and transformed."— David Bach, New York Times best-seller | "Since change is the only constant in life, it helps to have an expert navigate through the ups and downs of life. The First 30 Days is an excellent guide."— Deepak Chopra, New York Times best-seller | "Essential reading for anyone going through a change. I loved it!"— Wayne Dyer, New York Times best-seller |
What great encouragment! My husband and I are selling out and buying a Rv and hitting the road. We decided we have way to much. We are setting out to live close to basic as possible. We are giving away most of our stuff!!
And great freedom comes with that!
God Bless ou my dear friend...