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Question:What "little things" are you doing to get through economic crisis?

Hopefully your job, benefits and overall financial situation aren't getting completely sabotaged by the current economic state of the country...if they aren't, are there "little things" you find yourself doing to save money here and there? I find myself thinking about how much money I spend on food more in depth...like, what are cheap and healthy lunches I can make...

Asked by aliciak on 10/3/08 4 Answers»


We are also eating in more, and I have gotten into clipping coupons. We are also putting non-necessities (like the new couch I desperately want) on the back burner for the time being.

Answered by: lindad14 on 10/8/08


The hubs and I have significantly reduced the number of trips we make to the movie theater. It's $25 every time, and often I end up not liking the movie, so we are relying on our netflix account much more.

Answered by: Lizzie314 on 10/6/08


I know this isn't a new concept, but I've stopped buying coffee or tea in the morning. I've been making my morning beverage at home and then taking it with me on my commute.

I've also been making a "shopping list," not just a grocery list. That way when I go to a mall or any clothing store, I stick within what I came to get and what is on my list, instead of the cute shoes in the window.

Answered by: charlotte926 on 10/3/08


Definitely cooking at home more too, Alicia! Also just weighing purchases more carefully-do I really need new boots or can I wear what I have from last year?

The other thing I'm doing is giving more. I know it sounds crazy, but taking the focus off of me and how much I do or don't have makes me remember that money isn't where I find my joy. Yes, there are essentials we "need" but I have them (a roof over my head and heat and water, food on the table, etc). So many in our city don't even have that.

Answered by: kristen on 10/3/08
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