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Joanne Heim

Author of Living Simply: Choosing Less in a World of More

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Question:How much are you telling your kids about finances?

A recent NYTimes article says that kids are ill-prepared for this economic downturn, haivng been raised in a time of prosperity and having rarely heard the word "no."

Are you transparent with your kids about your financial situation? How much information is it appropriate to share? If you have a story about how your family is learning to be more frugal together, I'd love to hear it!

Asked by Kiki76 on 10/13/08 1 Answer»


Some of my family friends are really worried about Christmas. They fear they won't be able to live up to previous years and that their kids will be disappointed. When we talk about it, I try telling them to explain to their children its not about the gifts, but they think their kids are too young to understand and will just be upset. Its something that is really on all of their minds.

Answered by: charlotte926 on 10/13/08
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