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Peter Walsh

Peter Walsh

Design professional and star of TLC's Clean Sweep

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Meryl Starr

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Debbie Stanley

Author and owner of Red Letter Day, a professional organizing...

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Two Organizational Schools of Thought

It seems that our schedules are becoming more jam-packed every day and we’re feeling the weight of all these extra events and responsibilities. How do you come up for air? You need to get organized!
Brent E. McCoy, a writer for a paper in Thousand Oaks, CA, declares that there are two schools of thoughts for tackling organization: those who think everything has its own place and those who think everything should be within arm’s length. He is of the former school, though he is reluctant to say that absolutely EVERYTHING must have a precise place.
He tells a funny story about his non-working pens bowl and how, one day, he found a working pen in there. Alas, he had no space at the time for working pens (really?), so he decided to break the pen in order to be organized, i.e., put it back in its rightful place. This may be taking operation-organization a bit too far, but at the very least, he knows exactly where to find the broken pens, and thus, where not to find the working pens. 

Do you have any “unique” organization strategies? [Moorparkacorn.com]

Posted: 5/23/08