"I was actually waiting for your book to come out at Barnes and Noble, and reserved it two weeks before it came out. I told my therapist about it and your web site and how you made a positive impact on me." -M
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Our Getting Organized Experts

Peter Walsh

Peter Walsh

Design professional and star of TLC's Clean Sweep

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Meryl Starr

Meryl Starr

Organizing expert, author and personal consultant

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Debbie Stanley

Debbie Stanley

Author and owner of Red Letter Day, a professional organizing...

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What Does "Organized" Really Mean?

Professional trainer and blogger David Allen works to define organization–asking if we need it, or want it, or if we might just be too lazy to sort through our pile and stacks. Allen postulates that when something is organized, then that’s where it’s supposed to be. Read what else he has to say about what good organization is.

Posted: 1/14/08