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How do i get organizaed and stay that way? See details below-
How do i begin to tackle the problem when it is so, and i mean so out of control? I do not have any room in my house that is not so cluttered and unorgainized i hate to even begin the job of sorting, pitching out and majorly cleaning.
I always fall back into the same bad habits and become the packrat. It is getting so bad i can't even get a dish out of my cabinet without something falling out onto the avalanche
on the counter top of the kitchen cabinets. I try to sort the junk mail and pitch things out and it just makes more piles of stuff. I started this morning and at 10:00 and it is now 11:30 i took a break to do a load of laundry and remembered i had this email address i wanted to look up yours to see if it could help me out. I have tried working in small areas for a set time so i wouldn't get burnt out. I have even had help from family and friends to get things in shape but it always goes back to the mayham mess! Please help i'm desperate~
I want to offer a bit of advice to anyone looking for help on how to get your Ex lover back after a breakup or divorce! Unityspelltemple@gmail.com is certainly the best spell caster, and his result is 100% guarantee.
After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Unity can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Dr Unity. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr.Unity real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail.com , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348071622464 ,you can also visit his website: Link .
I usually get bogged down when there is one item in particularly which I am neglecting. For me that is usually keeping account of my money like I should. The more I avoid it the less motivated I am to take care of other less daunting tasks and the more likely I am to spend money I don't have and collect things I don't need. Things pile up and the situation gets worse. Taking care of money matters isn't the end of all problems but how I deal with that either encourages or discourages my efforts to take care of other things.
After watching several hours of Dr. Phil, I learned that sometimes when people venture into extreme pack rat territory, there can be something brewing beneath the surface. If you're at the point where you feel its taking over your life, maybe you could think about seeing a therapist in order to help you get to the root of it. There's nothing wrong with being a little messy, but if you're at the point where you're feeling overwhelmed, it might do you good to tackle this from more than one angle.
This is so hard, but one of the best things you can do is just get rid of anything and everything that you haven't looked at for several months. I usually save this for when I am in the oh-my-gosh-I-cannot-stand-this-anymore stage. Then, I go on a rampage and totally purge. It's always good to know that you can give your stuff away to people who are more in need.
As far as avoiding the return to chaos once you have gotten organized, try cleaning as you go. Hang your shirt up instead of tossing it on the bed and scrub dishes before the pile up in the sink. It makes staying organized much easier!
Have you thought about hiring someone to help? A professional organizer could get you on the right track. But honestly the best thing you can do is hold yourself accountable. Don't bring anything else in the house, and set aside some time every day to do a little bit of organizing. Check out Peter Walsh's interview here. I find him incredibly helpful. He's also doing this project with Oprah called the "Clean up your messy house tour." Check it out here: Link
Just stick with it! You can do it!