Too Crowded
My younger sister moved in with me a few moths ago. We decided not to move out of my 1 bedroom apartment to save up to buy a house and to fix my credit and build hers (as she has none). Since then, my beautiful 1 bedroom perfect for me apartment has become a cluttered crowded mess that I just rather stay away from. Finally, I went to Target and bought several differently sized clear plastic bins and just started putting a bunch of stuff in storage. Yesterday I did it again, and as I remove things I don't use that I just had out for decoration or just because when I was alone, the place is looking better and better.
It's much less clausterphobic and I don't miss my picture frames or hats or extra purses, because I know they're just out of the way temporarily. I've also just had to cut down the itch to buy things for my home because there's simpliy no space for it, and this is great for mybudget too.
so, too much clutter? put it away, you don't need our use everything everyday!