Organize your bags for different activities
This helps me save time during the school year. I keep a bag with my school work, but I also keep a separate bag for my gym stuff and things I'll need if I'm going to play sports or work out.
I also have another bag that I will use when I'm going on a road trip. I try to keep each of these bags organized with the things I will need and refill them/replace the items as necessary. This way when I'm in a hurry I can grab the bag I need and it's already got the right gear in it.
Shared by letitgo on 10/31/08
I have recently came to the same conclusion! - Keeping more bags ready to go. One word of caution - multiple bags increase your chance of losing them if you try to bring them along - e.g. your briefcase with notebook, ladies purse and gym bag. So make sure you label them with your contact details. Incredible as it sounds, once I left one of the bags in the taxi and it has been returned to me!