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Ron Dembo

Ron Dembo

Professor, author and founder of Zerofootprint.net

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Josh Dorfman

Josh Dorfman

Author and radio show host known as The Lazy Environmentalist...

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Jennifer Hattam

Jennifer Hattam

Journalist and blogger at The Green Life

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Green Your Move

When you think about how you’re going to get your belongings from your old home to your new home, consider an environmentally sound and healthful alternative to the traditional gas guzzling moving truck—bicycle! This is no joke. Check out the story at goodsearch and see if you’re up for the challenge!

Does this seem like an option or a really kooky idea to you?

Posted: 3/4/08