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Ron Dembo

Ron Dembo

Professor, author and founder of Zerofootprint.net

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Josh Dorfman

Author and radio show host known as The Lazy Environmentalist...

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Jennifer Hattam

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Saving Paper, Planting Trees

Even if you want to save the planet you may be unintentionally guilty of wasting paper. That’s because it’s estimated that the average employee wastes 6 pages of paper every day. You know, those mysterious blank pages in the middle of documents and that near-empty last page with just a line on it? Well, they can be history now thanks to Green Print. Touted as a way to save money today and trees tomorrow, Green Print helps reduce waste with their paper-saving software. And best of all, 1% of their sales goes to plant new trees. How much paper do you waste every day? How much could you save?

Posted: 2/24/08

Plus there are other ways to cut down too. Don't print everything you create unless it's really necessary, and don't print every version of a document, just the final one. And use the documents you don't need to save (as long as they don't have company secrets on them!) for phone messages, to-do lists, grocery lists, etc. You can even take it home and let your kids use it the draw on.

  • By Anonymous
  • on 3/2/08 4:47 PM EST