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Ron Dembo

Professor, author and founder of Zerofootprint.net

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Josh Dorfman

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Seeing Green in the Mail

Seeing Green in the Mail

Junk mail. It plagues us, but more importantly, it plagues the environment. Is it ironic or just plain sad when environmental organizations repeatedly send you the same mailings—envelopes stuffed with paper you will probably toss? Those pesky pieces of paper can fill up a mailbox, but they are also contributing to waste. How is this helping the planet?

“Mailing Vert” ("vert" means "green" in French) is a new service emerging from across the ocean in France that, you guessed it, is helping companies go green by tackling the junk mail problem! Mailing Vert partners with envelope makers and printers to go the extra green mile in terms of these mass-mailings.

Rather than just using recycled envelopes, Mailing Vert will track waste and try to make mailing routes more efficient, utilize vegetable-based inks, and of course, attempt to offset the proverbial carbon footprint. How do you feel about the need to get a message out via junk mail versus the need to be eco-conscious? [Springwise]

Posted: 7/7/08