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Ron Dembo

Professor, author and founder of Zerofootprint.net

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Josh Dorfman

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To Print or Not to Print

Even though so many of us carry around information on an iPhone, BlackBerry or laptop, there are still times when we actually need a (gasp!) hard copy of an airline reservation or driving directions from Mapquest. But those extra pages that get printed with one line of text or useless rules and regulations are so frustrating—not to mention wasteful. While you might try to think green and save that paper for other uses, chances are you’re tossing it in the recycling bin or worse, straight into the trash.

GreenPrint, a new software program, allows users to eliminate images from a print job and discards pages with just a few lines of type. You can decide what prints and what doesn’t, all while tracking the amount of money and trees that have been saved each time you print. According to CNN.com the software could save millions of trees per year, as well as hundreds of millions of pounds of carbon dioxide pollution.

While it’s primarily seen as a tool for businesses, GreenPrint is offering a free version of the software for home users. While it seems like a small step in the fight against waste, you’ll find that many aspects of going green are equally simple and add up to great change.

Does your office do anything to cut down on paper waste? Share your tips.

Posted: 3/13/08