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Question:How can I recycle my electronic devices?

Anyone have any suggestions about what I can do with my old TV? I'm having the hardest time unloading it, believe it or not.

Asked by LMAYO9 on 2/22/08 2 Answers»


I found these sites that have helped me find a local recycler. Also check with your waste company, lately they have started having special events, or may know places where you live. Ours has started picking up monitors and TVs now.

I like this one



Answered by: Debbie on 3/2/08


I know what you mean. I see TVs and printers on the curb all the time. No one wants them and it's hard to throw them away. I found a link to a site that's supposed to list place where you can take your electronics. I hope this helps.

Answered by: VictoriaB on 2/24/08
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