Low Carbon Diet: A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds--Be Part of the Global Warming Solution!
By David Gershon
Laid out with concrete tips and goals like a weight loss plan, the tongue-in-cheek approach here is serious about reducing the effects of global warming.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:53 PM EST
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Silent Spring
By Rachel Carson
This classic is a must-read for everyone interested in understanding the impact of our choices on the environment.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:52 PM EST
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The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time
by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen
Features suggestions from celebs like Robert Redford and Jennifer Aniston on how you can reduce your impact in small ways.
Posted: 02/28/2008 04:49 PM EST
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The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, Green Living
By Josh Dorfman
Witty, stylish and cool, The Lazy Environmentalist walks its talk with easy advice within armchair’s reach of even the laziest of eco warriors.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:53 PM EST
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The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
By Michael Pollan
A fascinating and eye-opening description of how our food is produced and how we can make the best choices for ourselves and our society, Pollan’s book manages not to be preachy and get across his thoughtful, well-researched point.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:56 PM EST
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