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Elina Furman

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Andy Masters

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First Things First

First Things First

Graduating college might have felt like an ongoing job and you hoped that being in the “real world” would be a lot better. Unfortunately, that’s not how we work over here in the “real world”. Finding your first job is obviously the next step, but locating it can feel like well, a job itself. Your first job may end up being one that does not exactly suit you, but you must remember that it IS your first and you have time to grow.

Kristen Fischer, author of Ramen Noodles, Rent and Résumés says, "Many recent graduates feel like taking a job is a life or death decision. While every job will impact their career, they have to remember that a first job is a stepping stone. Chances are that it won't be an ideal situation or their dream job, but it can provide the foundation for a fulfilling career."

So before you accept your first job, CNN has come up with a list that will aide you in making the right decision. Some of their suggestions include thinking about what type of company you want to work for and being realistic about your decision.

Tell us about your experiences in trying to find your first job.

Posted: 6/25/08