How to Survive the Real World: Life After College Graduation: Advice from 774 Graduates Who Did
Edited by Andrea Syrtash
A wide-ranging collection of stories, tips and advice on finding the best living areas, life as an adult, taking care and finding a great job. This book covers both psychological adjustment and the tasks of growing up after getting a diploma.
Posted: 11/15/2007 01:06 PM EST
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Monster.com is one of the best places for new grads to start their job searches. Graduates can find a career guide along with resume advice with plenty of tips for surviving the job search process on Monster Trak.
Posted: 11/15/2007 01:11 PM EST
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New Girl On the Job: Advice from the Trenches
By Hannah Seligson
Check out New Girl on the Job to find survival tips for being the new girl in the office, advice on developing a thick skin, making friends and ways for impressing a new boss.
Posted: 11/15/2007 01:06 PM EST
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Peter C. Wallace
Peter C. Wallace is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at Stonehill College who wrote Life 101: Real World Skills for Graduating College Seniors.
Posted: 12/18/2007 05:15 PM EST
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Real Life Notes: Reflections and Strategies for Life After Graduation
By Kenneth Jedding
This book serves as a great mentor, with career advice like staying calm through this transition as well as dealing with relationships when moving from life as a college student to life as an adult.
Posted: 11/15/2007 12:57 PM EST
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So You Graduated College: A Financial Guide to Life After Graduation
By Daniel Franklin
Graduates can find realistic advice, tips and real-life experiences on how to survive financially and be secure after graduation.
Posted: 11/15/2007 12:31 PM EST
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The Turbulent Twenties Survival Guide: Figuring Out Who You Are, What You Want, & Where You're Going After College
By Marcos R. Salazar
Salazar gives readers a psychological perspective on life after college and the change graduates can expect to experience. Graduates can find information regarding how to determine their identity in the real world, with information on developing independence, accomplishing goals, coping with emotions and learning how to build a supportive community of family and friends.
Posted: 11/15/2007 01:05 PM EST
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