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Dr. Therese Rando

Dr. Therese Rando

Psychologist, grief specialist and author of How to Go on...

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David Kessler

David Kessler

Journalist, author and motivational speaker

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Helen Fitzgerald

Certified death educator, author and lecturer

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Triple the Tragedy

Triple the Tragedy

There is not a great deal to say about Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson's devastating loss of her mother, brother and young nephew over the weekend. It is a senseless tragedy and sad reminder of the fact that no one is immune to this kind of grief.

What is interesting, at this point, is to see how someone in the spotlight copes with it all. News reports say that Jennifer is a "rock" for her family, and is being very strong as she deals with everything that's happening around her. There's no doubt that her faith is a foundation for that strength. She's also beloved by those she's worked with as well as her fans, as evidenced by the outpouring of support in the press and online. While we're sure that there are very tough times ahead for Hudson, and we can't know what goes on behind closed doors, it would seem that she is surrounded by the kind of love that can only help during the grief process.

Whatever tragedy you are facing or have faced, perhaps you can take today to remember the blessings of family, friends and-if you choose to-faith. Have any of these things helped you as you get through your grief?

Posted: 10/28/08

Absolutely--family, friends, love, support, faith, reflection--all of these things are essential to coping with grief.


It's times like these that I question my faith ... if there is a good and loving god how does he/she allow such a thing to happen.

Time will not make the hurt any less ... just more dull. Love is the only thing that can help a family deal with this awful tragedy.