"I saw you on the Today show and it was that short appearance that literally, and physically, helped to change my life. You were the inspiration and motivation I needed to finally get moving." -Aisling
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Our Grieving Experts

Dr. Therese Rando

Dr. Therese Rando

Psychologist, grief specialist and author of How to Go on...

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David Kessler

David Kessler

Journalist, author and motivational speaker

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Helen Fitzgerald

Helen Fitzgerald

Certified death educator, author and lecturer

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Hard-Wired for Happiness

Hard-Wired for Happiness

Losing a loved one can be incomprehensible. Luckily our brains...

Helping Someone Grieve: What Not to Do

Helping Someone Grieve: What...

You may not know the right thing to say, so you may not want...

Complicated Grief

Complicated Grief

If it's been months (or years) and you can't move past your...

Losing a Husband

Losing a Husband

Peace and understanding can come even after the darkest tragedy...

Ritualizing Grief

Ritualizing Grief

You can create your own way of moving through the pain of...

Talking to Kids About Death

Talking to Kids About Death

Explain death to your children in a way they can understand.

10 First Steps for Handling Grief

10 First Steps for Handling...

You may never feel the same, but you will start moving forward...
